Carfree Cities - the web site that goes with the book. Carfree Cities proposes a delightful solution to the vexing problem of urban automobiles. The Victoria Transport Policy Instiute is an independent research organization developing innovative strategies for efficient and equitable transportation. Dozens of reports are available on full cost accounting, transportation demand management, pavement reduction, transit, bicycling, walking, and traffic calming. Their Online TDM Encyclopedia offers a comprehensive resource for transportation demand management planning and analysis. World Carfree Network , the hub of the global carfree movement. The Center for Urban Transportation Research at the Florida Center for Community Design and Research has a variety of useful links on transportation, land use, and sustainability issues. Cyburbia: The Planning and Architecture Internet Resource Center contains a comprehensive directory of Internet resources relevant to planning, architecture, urbanism and other topics related to the built environment. Cyburbia also contains information about architecture and planning related mailing lists and Usenet newsgroups, and hosts several interactive message areas. A to B Magazine is dedicated to demonstrating alternatives to the car - primarily electric bicycles, public transport-friendly folding bikes and bike carraige by rail, bus and air. Earth Trends , the environmental information portal from World Resources Institute RUDI - Resource for Urban Design Information. SUN (Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods) is a program lead by Dr. John Gilderbloom to help revitalize inner city neighborhoods. SUN offers numerous web links related to sustainable development. The site includes a model web site of the type needed by every dead inner city neighborhood to spark the revitalization. European Academy of the Urban Environment aims to encourage exchange of experience amongst local government decision makers in all spheres of sustainable urban development. European Academy of the Urban Environment SURBAN, the database on sustainable urban development in Europe Perils For Pedestrians A television series about problems confronting people who walk. The Climate Ark is a climate change search space dedicated to promoting public policy that addresses global climate change through reductions in carbon and other emissions, energy conservation, alternative energy sources and ending deforestation. Railway Technology : The Website for the Railway Industry. Exhaustive and excellent source of data on railroading. Environmental Building News is a leading international publication on environmentally sustainable design and construction. The site includes news, feature articles, and many green building product reviews. Freesources from World Carfree Network Urban and Rural Sociology at the Socio Site in Amsterdam. International Bike Fund promotes sustainable transport and international understanding Chainguard - bicycle advocacy on line. Car Busters Magazine helps to unite, build, and maintain the international car-free movement, and to inform, motivate, publicize and empower all groups and individuals fighting against the car's dominance and destructiveness. Planetizen is a portal for California planners. DENZELDRIVE Carsharing (Austria) General description of Carsharing Locations all over Austria Partners in public traffic and motorized traffic (e.g. car rental) Austin Analytics is a UK-based public transport specialist, focusing on policy analysis, including economic, financial, and statistical analysis. Imagita provides a list of links to European Union and EU-funded public transport research projects with particular emphasis on Scandinavian public transport links. International City Planners Network connects planning professionals from around the world: architects, city and town planners, community development and environmental planning professionals, landscape architects, open space planners, resource managers, transportation planners, and urban designers. INSnet is a sustainability portal. Car-Free France (portal site) Eco Earth The Environmental Sustainability Source Pew Center for Civic Journalism is an incubator for civic journalism that works to re-engage people in public life. The Progress Report is an interesting collection of ideas on a wide range of topics, including urban issues. is a source of information about thousands of cities worldwide. Kevin Karplus maintains a large list of useful transportation, bicycle, and urban planning links. Eco-Portal is a search engine devoted to ecological topics. World Bank Group Urban Transport Strategy Review. "Urban sprawl is likely to increase to the detriment of public transport, reducing accessibility and services for the poor. The World Bank's Urban Transport Strategy Review will prepare for this challenge." Web Directory of environmental organizations. EEVL is the UK Gateway to quality reviewed engineering resources on the Internet. RailFind UK railway website directory EcoEarth.Info is an environment portal World Carshare Consortium was set up under The Commons in early 1998 as a free, cooperative international information sharing and communications program in support of carsharing projects worldwide. EcoEarth.Info is an environment portal all dedicated to achieving global environmental sustainability. World Environment is an environmental portal. TrafficLinq traffic and transportation start page. Portal Ecológico do GAIA está temporáriamente offline por motivos de segurança cibernáutica. College Town Issues Issues related to student and year-round residents living and working together in college towns across the USA, especially in older, walkable neighborhoods. Cycling Resource Centre in Australia The Earth Times news portal Energie-Cités The Association of European local authorities promoting a local sustainable energy policy. New Urban Home The New Urban Home is a sustainable, fleible, and creative solution to individualized contemporary living. Rainforest Portal Search, Inform, Debate, Act Eco-Portal The EnvironmentalSustainability.Info Source Planum is an European Online-Journal for Town and Regional Planning Ecosustainable Hub Environment / Sustainability Links The Web's Most Popular Sites has some links to urban planning sites is believed to be the world's largest environmental portal. Eco-Porta The EnvironmentalSustainability.Info Source Suggest additions to this list of sources. |
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