Carfree Cities - the web site that goes with the book. Carfree Cities proposes a delightful solution to the vexing problem of urban automobiles. ITDP Institute for Transportation & Development Policy World Carfree Network , the hub of the global carfree movement. The Center for Urban Transportation Research at the Florida Center for Community Design and Research has a variety of useful links on transportation, land use, and sustainability issues. Detour Publications is a non-profit, on-line bookstore offering many titles on sustainable passenger and freight transport, urban planning, "smart growth," and climate change. Cyburbia: The Planning and Architecture Internet Resource Center contains a comprehensive directory of Internet resources relevant to planning, architecture, urbanism and other topics related to the built environment. Cyburbia also contains information about architecture and planning related mailing lists and Usenet newsgroups, and hosts several interactive message areas. Transportation and Community and System Presevation Pilot Program at the US Department of Transportation. China's Carfree Town: Gulangyu in The New Colonist RUDI - Resource for Urban Design Information. The Biketopia Project is engaging in a discussion about building a city without or with a minimum of internal combustion engines, where people can live and work in a low-cost unpolluted environment. Light Rail , in cooperation with the Dutch magazine Blauwe Kamer, offers the Light Rail Atlas, a comprehensive source of information about tram systems around the world. External Costs Damages arising from electricity and transport (PDF!) Railway Technology : The Website for the Railway Industry. Exhaustive and excellent source of data on railroading. POLIS is an association of European cities and regions working together on transport and environmental issues, in particular via innovative technologies, policies and funding systems. San Francisco Bicycle Coalition promotes the bike for everyday transportation. Freesources from World Carfree Network International Bike Fund promotes sustainable transport and international understanding Chainguard - bicycle advocacy on line. he New Mobility Agenda from Ecoplan Research & Degrowth is an academic association dedicated to research, training, awareness raising and events organization around degrowth. Parry People Movers is developing innovative wireless light-rail vehicles TranStats The Intermodal Transportation Database TramTrain: The 2nd Generation: New Criteria for the "Ideal TramTrain City" Michigan Land Use Institute published an article on government support for sprawl, which was by no means the inevitable consequence of rising personal incomes. Innovative Transportation Technologies provides information on automated peoplemovers, automated freight systems, automated guided vehicles, Combi-Road transportation, dual-mode trucks, pipeline freight transportation, and underground tube freight. Travel on ELTIS (the European Local Transport Information Service). Moving the Economy promotes sustainable transport and inventories 150 case studies in which sustainable transport yielded measured economic benefits. Organic Engines - Recumbent Bicycle and Tricycle Builder Maker of recumbent bicycles and tricycles, including a cargo trike that can enable car free living by providing a healthy and reliable transportation alternative. Central London Partnership is a public and private sector partnership which takes action to make central London a better place to live, work, invest, and visit. Cloverleaf city: it would be better for all of us if there were fewer cars on the road COST Transport and the COST 339 initiative for small Euro-container standard. Resources for bike messengers worldwide - the homepage of the International Federation of Bike Messenger associations World Bank Group Urban Transport Strategy Review. "Urban sprawl is likely to increase to the detriment of public transport, reducing accessibility and services for the poor. The World Bank's Urban Transport Strategy Review will prepare for this challenge." KNV is the employers' organization in the Netherlands for the transport of goods and passengers by road. RailFind UK railway website directory TrafficLinq traffic and transportation start page. Bicycle Transportation Systems proposes indoor, wind-assisted cycling. is a rail site. Transportation for a Livable City works to create more livable neighborhoods, where walking, bicycling, and transit are the best choices for most trips, and where housing is more plentiful and more affordable. Afriwheels is trying to bring bikes to Africa Yuba Pride affordable mobility Vermont Rail Advocacy Network works to restore rail service in Vermont Busgurrrl's Guide to Carfree Living Suggest additions to this list of sources. |
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